Tuesday, August 26, 2014

#FREE A Friend In Need Is A Friend In Deed !!! #LAST hour #1 Mammals #1 Beginner Readers \u003C3 * \u003C3 * \u003C3 * \u003C3 * \u003C3 "Oh dear," said the deer, "I'm so cold, what a plight! I've searched for a hat, but none fits just right." On top of his head his big antlers grew, No hat would fit over them; what could he do? #FREE http://ift.tt/KZvxyl by Sigal Adler

#FREE A Friend In Need Is A Friend In Deed !!! #LAST hour #1 Mammals #1 Beginner Readers \u003C3 * \u003C3 * \u003C3 * \u003C3 * \u003C3 "Oh dear," said the deer, "I'm so cold, what a plight! I've searched for a hat, but none fits just right." On top of his head his big antlers grew, No hat would fit over them; what could he do? #FREE http://ift.tt/KZvxyl

by Sigal Adler

from Free Books http://ift.tt/1sy6frd


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